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LibreOffice Impress Remote

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DLP: The Document Liberation Project is a sister project to LibreOffice, aimed at facilitating the conversion of outdated/proprietary file formats to ODF via the creation and improvement of import file filters.
Impress Remote: The family of LibreOffice Impress "remote control" apps designed for mobile platforms.
Available for Android, iOS, Pebble, and FirefoxOS.
LibreOffice: The LibreOffice office suite and related tools.
QA Tools: Tools developed by/for the QA Team (SI-GUI, etc..)
cppunit: Cppunit is the C++ port of the famous JUnit unit testing framework.
libabw: Libabw is a DLP library that parses the file format of AbiWord documents.
libcdr: Libcdr is a DLP library that parses CorelDRAW files.
libetonyek: Libetonyek is a DLP library that parses the file format of Apple Keynote documents.
libexttextcat: Libexttextcat is an N-Gram-Based Text Categorization library primarily intended for language guessing.
libfreehand: Libfreehand is a DLP library that parses the file format of Aldus/Macromedia/Adobe FreeHand documents.
libgltf: libglTF is a rendering library for glTF models.
libmspub: Libmspub is a DLP library that parses the file format of Microsoft Publisher documents.
libpagemaker: Libpagemaker is a DLP library that parses the file format of Aldus/Adobe PageMaker documents.
libvisio: Libvisio is a DLP library that parses the file format of Microsoft Visio documents.

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